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Kids & Youth

Kingdom Kids

Every Monday of the month (during term time), we hold "Kingdom Kids" an exciting adventure exploring the bible in a fun and crafty way. Each session starts with a light tea, followed by a 'God slot' - teaching truths directly from the word. Over the remaining time of the session, there are lots of different activities and games to enjoy. With ages of 4-11, your little ones right up to your big ones will love this club.

Rainbows & Brownies

Being a rainbow is all about having the space to try new things and have fun. Rainbows learn by doing - they get their hands dirty, do sports, arts and crafts, and play games. Rainbows helps develop self-confidence and make lots of new friends. Brownies is just as fun, but for the little bit older girls. Want to come and enjoy a good night of fun and games?

Youth Ministry 7UP

Our 7UP youth group meet on a Sunday twice every month and gather together in fellowship and with the ultimate aim to learn more about Jesus. The name 7UP comes from the age group being over Year 7's up till Year 12. Over the course of the year, as a group we play games and travel to places, enjoying time together and most of all having fun.


Scarborough has an unknown need for somewhere that local uni and college students can come and relax. Spending some time away from study can be helpful and settle a stressed mind. In the near future, the local Salvation Army is looking into providing a week night on which students from the town can come and have something to eat and relax in our community hub. More information will be coming soon...

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